Create a Python function for extracting the first character from each word in a string.
Write a Python function, `extract_first_chars()`, which accepts a string `s` and returns a new string with the first character from each word of `s`. ### Parameters - `s` (3 <= length <= 10^5, string): The input string from which the function extracts the first character of every word. Words are separated by one or more spaces. The string only consists of English alphabet and space(s). ### Return Value - Returns a string where each character is the first character of each word from the input string `s`. ### Examples ```python # The result is 'TIAT' since each word in 'This Is A Test' is capitalized extract_first_chars("This Is A Test") # 'TIAT' # The first characters of 'I', 'love', and 'cake' are 'I', 'l', and 'c', respectively extract_first_chars("I love cake") # 'Ilc' # 'Ha' is repeated three times, thus contributing three 'H's to the final result extract_first_chars("Ha Ha Ha") # 'HHH' ```